Here goes:
fail! Switched on machine, left bread pan (with mix in) on the side, came back into the kitchen to find it smoking. oh.dear. shall we try that one again? (whimpers, please be okay bread machine)
Hoover hall
make rice pudding or fruit crumble (maybe both)
Get parcel ready
Go to-co-op to buy stuff for baking
get birthday card for Matt
Post parcel All fallen victim of the dead car battery
Plant potatoes
Plant herbs
Plant tomatoes
find quotes for car service - two requests sent
bring cherry tree and apple tree back down from Pats - delayed until Monday due to sick Cherry tree!
music practise at 6:30pm - thwarted by dead car
Iron some things so I have clothes to wear for going away on the weekend.
Find some craft bits for Scrapbooking demo at church
Clear out car from kid-chaos
email baklava recipe to someone from church/find their email address
email/print claiming back bank charges for someone at cell group
order missing connector for hearing aid monitor
fill in and send incidental mileage form for breaks
pay council tax?
remember to take anti-inflammatories every 4 hours 5/6
anyone else feeling tired after that?