Finally I have managed to create some things and kick off my craft challenge. The scale of the big bad baby blanket(s) has meant I've been crafting away but seemingly getting nowhere near finished. Rather demoralising, especially when I look at all the other wonderful things people have been making. I am trying to be easy on myself, as lately I have been so, so tired and barely coping with work/postgrad study/daily living let alone anything extra. Most nights I am in bed by 9pm. The doctor is pretty sure I have glandular fever (apparently children under five are prime carriers for the virus). That would explain why I am so tired and poorly feeling. So whilst it seems a small start to my challenge, and mostly cooking gifts, I still feel accomplished!

1/26: Valentine's Day Card - very sparkly!

2/26: heart-shaped shortbreads dipped in chocolate
for James and to post to a lovely friend

3/26: Ginger & Cranberry Fudge
(waiting to set & be wrapped in cellophane.)
for James & also for post-packages.

In progress: I have clearly taken leave of my senses.
This is Big Bad Baby Blanket no2. Raspberry ripple edition.
It is coming along a lot faster than BBBB 1 did. Mainly due to less colours
and less tangling. I am trying not to think about how many rows I have
left to go. Just knit, knit, knit wherever and whenever I get a chance.
Big Bad Baby Blanket 1 needs more wool before I can finish it
but it is so nearly there! Hurrah! Did I mention finishing
it is going to mean I throw a party?