This week I am on a physical and spiritual journey. I am staying in Riga, Latvia with four of my closest christian friends, spending time together and visiting a charity here. The charity works with children who live with poverty and the issues that come hand in hand with severe poverty.
We arrived yesterday morning (suprisingly someone managed to coax me out of bed with a cold and onto a flight. It's amazinv what a cup of tea can do). After finding our backpackers hostel in Old Riga and changing rooms three times we settled in and Kat took us down to the children's centre.
Riga itself is a strange mix of new city and old, East and West. Cosmopolitan and commercialised. Just a ten minute tram ride into the housing area tells the story of a different Riga- (as it does in our UK cities.) Tired looking houses, broken doors and people with tired clothes. Graffiti on the walls. I have been here before in many cities- and it makes me wonder- which city is the real city?
The children's centre is almost unmarked from the buildings around it, down a dark stairwell with broken metal post boxes and damaged concrete stairs and walls.
Inside couldn't be more different. Exploding with laughter and busy-ness and colour. The children have their own slippers here, they are at home.
They put on a play for us- much laughing. We play dodgeball and board games. They have food at the centre.
We listen as one of then says grace.
We play with A and V, sisters with beautiful dark hair and eyes who thrive of adult attention.
The children have such joy, they light the place. They have a trust in Tom and Diaga who run the centre that shows.
I want to speak their languages- some speak a little English, some Russian some Latvian. I want to talk to them and find out about their hopes and dreams.
For now we play. Mainly spinning A, she loves physical games.
They remind me of children in Mayville. Durban. Having very little, but great joy and a great need for relationships.
Very keen to help and get to know you.
They come from the area around the centre. It is run down and we know they need many things the centre provides. Clothes, food and security. The nuturing relationship they have with Tom and Diaga.
I wonder what their stories are and what their stories will be.
&think we need more people like Tom and Diaga who can love and support children in difficult circumstances and bring joy to tired places and situations.
Bring love, where sometimes it's hard to breakthrough, teach trust where it's been hurt.
We went to bed early- and I realise how much I miss living with Jenni and Kat, having someone to pray with and write with.
Community is a blessing.
I wonder: what are your communities?
Where would you travel and what would you do if you could go anywhere?